To install STRiKE Korea ’97, you need 19.2 Mb of free hard drive space.
Restart you computer with Extensions off.
Double-click the installer. The installer will locate all data files which it considers to be eligible files. Select your unmodified Korean Crisis file to update. Your file must be 17.9 Mb (18,787,614 bytes or 18,793,727 bytes). If your file is not one of these two sizes, the installer will not work. If your file is not the right size, the most likely reason is that you have hacked it with ResEdit. Reinstall Korean Crisis and try again.
Installing STRiKE Korea ’97 will take several minutes. After a successful installation your original Korean data file will be automatically moved to the trash. If you wish to continue to fly the original missions, retrieve the file from the trash and keep it in a folder called something like “GSC Missions.”
The STRiKE Korea ’97 data file will be 19.2 Mb (20,190,432 bytes).
In order for the F/A-18 Hornet application to recognize a data file, it must be called “F/A-18 Data 2.0” AND it must reside in the same folder as the application. Obviously, you cannot have two data files with the same name in the same folder. So, in order to alternate between the STRiKE missions and the original GSC missions you will need to swap data files before launching the Hornet application. Keeping each data file in a seperate folder is an easy way to keep track of the files.
Additional help can be obtained by contacting STRiKE Software at